The Mbereko

The Mbereko

The Mbereko: A Journey from Belly to Front to Back, Heart to Heart


We are honored to name our wide wrap-style strap carrier The Mbereko, inspired by the timeless Zimbabwean practice of bereka—an act that goes beyond mere function and becomes an expression of love, connection, and wisdom.

The mbereko is more than a tool; it is an embodiment of care, a sacred vessel that carries not only your child but the wisdom of generations. To bereka is to cradle life itself, to hold your baby close while life continues around you. It is an ancient art, passed down from mother to daughter, aunt to niece, elder to youth. It is a rhythm, a song, a dance of love that weaves parent and child together, heart to heart and soul to soul.

At Babuebaby, we know that we cannot talk about kubereka—the practice of babywearing—without talking about the village. Because in the village, mbereko is not just about carrying a baby; it is about carrying each other. It is about shared wisdom, the kind that stands the test of time. The kind that says a crying baby isn’t a problem to be solved but a heart seeking connection. And so, we lift them up, placing them on our backs where they find safety, where they hear the heartbeat that calmed them in the womb, where they are rocked by the rhythm of life as we go about our tasks.

From belly to back, the journey continues. The cocoon of the womb becomes the cocoon of the mother’s back. The baby, snuggled against warm skin, hears the steady drumbeat of love, the mother’s heartbeat—a familiar rhythm that says, “You are safe. You are loved. I am here.” This rhythm anchors the baby, soothing their nervous system, creating a bond that is as old as humanity itself. It is the heartbeat that quiets their cries, the gentle sway of your body that cradles their growing spirit, the hum of your voice that teaches them joy.

The beauty of the mbereko is its embodiment. It is not just a practice; it is a way of being. When you wear your baby, you align your body and theirs in perfect harmony, a living symbol of connection. Their soft weight on your back grounds you, reminding you to slow down, to breathe, to feel. It is through this embodiment that we, as parents, find balance. We learn to move through life while staying present. We raise children who are anchored, secure, and joyful, because they have felt this connection from their earliest days.

Growing up in Zimbabwe, the village taught me the beauty of kubereka. I found joy in babywearing before I even understood its depth. There was something that stirred my soul each time I carried a baby on my back, their tiny body warm against mine, their coos like music. It wasn’t just practical; it was spiritual. I didn’t need to study the science to know it mattered. But later, my studies in social work, psychology, and occupational therapy gave me the words and understanding to describe what my heart already knew: babywearing is the ultimate parenting tool.

Science affirms what our ancestors always knew. The happiness you feel when you wear your baby isn’t imagined; it’s biology. Babywearing releases oxytocin, the hormone of love and bonding. It regulates the baby’s nervous system, fostering secure attachment. It aligns your bodies biomechanically, creating a balance that feels as natural as breathing. But long before the studies and data, there was the wisdom of the village. Older women simply told us, “If a baby cries, put them on your back, and they’ll be happy.” And they were right.

To wear your baby in The Mbereko is to carry forward this timeless wisdom. It is to embrace the knowledge of those who came before us and to raise children who are deeply connected, both to us and to themselves. It is to carry them close, to offer them the safety of your heartbeat, the warmth of your skin, and the rhythm of your love. It is to feel their coos against your back, their joy mingling with your own, as you both move through life together.


With The Mbereko, you are not just carrying your baby—you are carrying a legacy. You are cradling the past, present, and future in one beautiful, embodied act of love. From belly to back, from heart to heart, the journey continues.


Busi Musiiwa
CEO & Founder, Babuebaby Carriers
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